Innovations in Strength and Balance

Examples of Tripping Hazards

Examples of common hazards for tripping and falling include the following:

  1. Throw rugs. Exceptions include a rug in good condition (edges not turned up) that won’t slide around (rubber lined) outside of your shower and by the kitchen sink. They will absorb water and keep the floor from becoming slippery.
  2. Stacks of reading materials (magazines, newspapers, etc).
  3. Uneven flooring (sagging floors, broken concrete, off-level surfaces, etc.).
  4. Excessively thick pile carpet.
  5. Poorly contrasted changes in surfaces or elevation, such as steps without markings on edges of treads.
  6. Piles of laundry.
  7. Unneeded furniture.
  8. Cords and tubes. Get these out of walkways by securing them close to walls. Choose colored oxygen tubes, instead of clear, to make more visible. Tack up over doorways, if possible, to eliminate it as a trip hazard in door thresholds.

Clearing a path that is 36” wide, leaves enough room to easily maneuver your walker or wheelchair. Make sure there is enough room to navigate around corners, through doorways, and in and out of the bed or shower.