Focus on Function!

ADL Balance Blog

Turn 15 Gait Challenges Into 2,400 Possible Gait Exercises

Turn 15 Gait Challenges Into 2,400 Possible Gait Exercises

Below is a list of 15 gait challenges you can mix, match, and combine to create 2,400 different gait exercises (see video for more information): G...

New Year 2020 and Balance Intensity 20:20

New Year 2020 and Balance Intensity 20:20

I hope you are enjoying your start to 2020! This is the perfect year to highlight the balance training principle of 20:20. This post will help you ...

4 Questions for Quality Balance Training

4 Questions for Quality Balance Training

Answer the following 4 questions to test how well your balance exercises measure up (total your "YES" answers and score at end of post): Do...

Learning to “Let Go” Progression for Stepping Exercises

Learning to “Let Go” Progression for Stepping Exercises

Stepping is defined as lifting one foot, setting it down away from the body, and then returning it back to its original starting position. Steppin...

Balance Boundaries: Proceed with Caution

Balance Boundaries: Proceed with Caution

Boundaries are defined limits or borders that indicate lines that should not be crossed. Venture beyond a boundary and negative consequences likely...

Keep Balance Training Progressive

Keep Balance Training Progressive

With over 20K different balance exercises, each with different levels of difficulty, how do you determine the right time to progress a patient from...

Balance Training is “Superfly”

Balance Training is “Superfly”

Ever had a patient walk without swinging their arms? I’ve recently had a run of patients that had limited or absent arm swing when walking. These p...

5 Balance Exercises Favorites for Parkinson’s Disease

5 Balance Exercises Favorites for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. It most commonly impairs one’s ability to gauge and execute move...

5 Balance Exercise Favorites Following Hip Replacement

5 Balance Exercise Favorites Following Hip Replacement

Total hip replacement (THR) surgery entails removing damaged or worn out cartilage in the hip and replacing it with metal, plastic, and/or ceramic ...

Crosswalk #6: Four Square Step Test (4SST) and Haas Balance Book

Crosswalk #6: Four Square Step Test (4SST) and Haas Balance Book

The 4SST is a dynamic balance test that assesses a patient’s ability to step over small obstacles forward, backward, and to each side. The Haas Bal...

Crosswalk #5: Timed Up & Go (TUG) and Haas Balance Book

Crosswalk #5: Timed Up & Go (TUG) and Haas Balance Book

The Timed Up and Go (TUG) is a timed walking test that helps establish a patient’s risk for falling. The Haas Balance Book is a collection of over ...

Crosswalk #4: Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale and Haas Balance Book

Crosswalk #4: Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale and Haas Balance Book

The Activities-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale is a survey for patients to record levels of confidence in a variety of activities. The Haas...